Becky Hobden

Senior Copywriter


Action Aid

WINNER: Best Fundraising Campaign, Third Sector Awards 2019

This campaign launched in early spring 2018, at a time when safeguarding in fundraising was under scrutiny. I was challenged with developing a campaign that empowered women and girls, despite dealing with an incredibly sensitive topic.

Our work focused on the power of storytelling – and smashed target by 35%, generating £1.1m of income for Action Aid.

I’m very proud.

Our moving launch film...

The clear route throughout all my work was to use first person accounts wherever possible. There was a responsibility to allow these women to tell their own stories - given the subject matter, now was not the time to be 'cute' with our creative executions.

We wanted to show a variety of voices throughout the campaign - from survivors, to mothers to male allies. It was important to not make men the enemy here, and hero those who were supporting women and girls in their communities.

The campaign had a huge reach on digital - over 100,000 people interacted with our content online.

A behind the scenes look at the ways in which we ensured we protected all the people involved in the creation of our campaign.

  • For Not This Girl

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