Becky Hobden

Senior Copywriter



Three Mobile was the account where I developed the knack for cracking out headline after headline after… you get the idea.

It was a great account to learn on. Fast-paced, competitive and always changing.

In June 2012, the Metro ran a story about retired university lecturer Jack Tasker. Poor Jack could only get reception on his phone when he sent it up a nearby tree.

So we created this ‘random act of kindness’. We sent Jack a brand new smartphone and lots of credit to use with it – as well as our assurance that things would be a bit better from now on. Hopefully.

A 30 second TV spot for the Samsung Galaxy S Mini on Three, designed to demonstrate a compact ‘all-rounder’ of a handset. This ad had the best results of all Three’s DRTV spots in 2011.

This is (very) small sample of the work I created for Three’s DR account. So many new phones. So many headlines. Oh, and a dancing horse.

  • For Phones, Phones, Phones… and Dongles

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