Becky Hobden

Senior Copywriter


Out of Home

A few examples of the many OOH ads I created at Open.

I still get a thrill seeing my work on the tube.

It’s easy to assume that, as a UNESCO World Heritage Area, The Great Barrier Reef is safe from destruction. Well, it isn’t – and Greenpeace wanted an ad that would make people in the UK aware of this. As visiting the reef is probably on quite a few ‘travel bucket lists’, our creative used this angle to subvert a traditional holiday ad.

As a response to Greenpeace’s stance on the issue, Australia’s Courier Mail (think Aussie Daily Mail) delivered an unexpected round of feedback on our ad.

I had it framed.

Type 2 diabetes is the UK’s fastest growing health problem, but too many people live in denial about their own risk. Our ad needed to get the public to stop in their tracks and find out more about this potentially life-threatening condition.

This ad didn’t go live because the RSPB never got round to printing the guide – however, it’s still in here because I am very fond of this headline.

  • For Getting About A Bit

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