Becky Hobden

Senior Copywriter



Youth homelessness is on the rise across the UK. In Greater Manchester the situation is critical, where an estimated 4,400 16-25 year olds are homeless. Their main service hub in the area, 52 Oldham Street, was in dire need of an upgrade.

We were tasked with creating a capital appeal to target Centrepoint’s mid-value donors, asking them to make a donation to fund the refurbishment. We chose to focus in on each area of the building and show how it could uniquely benefit the young people who visit, bringing our asks to life and making them super tangible.

The pack was a huge success for Centrepoint, bringing in over £33k in phone donations alone, and 13k from the accompanying email campaign. It also inspired numerous calls from donors wanting to volunteer their time to the project build.

A quote from our happy client: “We were so impressed with the quality of the pack. I personally think it’s one of the best we’ve ever sent out – so thank you very much once again.”

Art Director: Claire Deacon

My emotive letter, highlighting the considered focus of the new proposed spaces, designed with young people in mind...

Our informative project proposal, making it clear to the donor what each new bathroom, laundry room or reception area would mean to the homeless young people of Manchester...

  • For 52 Oldham St Capital Appeal

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